MS & HS Graduation Schedule


Middle School Graduation 3.6.2023 at Mäntytie08:30 – 10:00(max. 3 guests/graduate) High School Graduation Rehearsal at Mäntytie on Friday 2.6.2023 at 12:00(graduates should bring caps) 3.6.2023 at Mäntytie11:00 – 12:30 (group photo at 12:30)(max. 5 guests/graduate)

Student Council for the Spelling Bee Contest


On Friday 3rd March the Elementary School Spelling Bee competition was held. The competition was for all the finalists from Preschool through to 6th Grade.   All spellers put in their best effort and remained in high spirits, despite being posed with some very interesting, new and challenging words. A highlight was the close competition and

Malaria Researcher visiting Engs


The English School had the honor of hosting Dr Christianah Dare. A lecturer in biochemistry at Nigeria’s Osun State University, Dare has spent the last seven months as a research fellow at Helsinki University, working on a cure for malaria. She spoke to our students about her career and research, as well as the challenges

High School Entrance Exam Wednesday May 3th


at Valimotie 17-19, 2nd floor (Pitäjänmäki), May 3th at 8:30-11:15. The written exam lasts two hours. Please bring official photo identification (identity card, passport etc.), a pencil and an eraser. Assessment: max 2,5 points for the English test and max. 2,5 points for the Finnish as a mother tongue or Finnish as a second language

Engs to Miami!


The student exchange collaboration between Miami Country Day school and The English School continues when a group of Engs students will be going to Miami in February. The English School will be hosting a group of Miami students in turn in October. The itinerary includes a good number of school days, and activities in and

The English School Second in National Debate Competition


The English School hosted the National Debate Competition January 21 and 22. There were about 80 participants, 12 teams from seven Finnish high schools. After an exciting two days of six rounds, one semi-final and one final debate, The English School Debate Team, Isabell Roman, Omar Kadir and Sakari Salo with their assistants Finn Coughlan

High School Open House 2023


at Valimotie 17-19 (2nd floor) on Wednesday, January 18 at 17.00-19.30 and on Tuesday, January 31 at 17.00-19.30. Program for the evenings: 17.15-18.00 Presentation about the English School and studies in high school 18.00-19.30 Admission info (in Finnish & in English) and tours in the school premises Welcome!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta! Share your light (Sprid ditt ljus) sang by The English School Choir, on the flute Tia Ayikar and on the piano Johan Cantell, conducted by Merituuli Cantell. Christmas Service at Meilahti Church.

With Miami Country Day School in Honduras


I was invited to join a group of 23 Miami Country Day School students and staff members and director of the international programs, Glen Turf, on an immemorable mission to an orphanage in Nuevo Paraíso, Morocelí, Honduras. Together with the students and three staff members we spent a week on work projects (our main goal

Valimotie Halloween!


Don’t be scared! On Friday, October 28th, the Middle School Student Council invites you to enjoy the Spooky Trail. High School students gather in Central Park at 11:00 for some ghoulish fun. Dress to impress… and survive.

Apply now!