The English School’s Sports Day


The English School’s annual tradition, Sports Day, took place on Saturday, 14th September, at Eläintarha Sports Field. The day started with an opening parade where all classes carried their class flags and shouted their team chants. After this, we had relay races for all grades. Then it was time for the track and field events.

Link to High School New Students and Parents Evening This Monday


‘Welcome to Our High School’ evening will be held on Monday, August 12, at 18:00-18:45. New students and guardians, please join us via Google Meet for an introduction to high school and a chance to ask questions. Here is  the link to the evening: Also save the date: HS24 Parents’ Evening October 29 at Valimotie.

Welcome Back to Valimotie!


School starts on Thursday, August 8th, according to the following schedule: Grades 7-9 at 9.00-13.00 & High School at 10.00-14.00. We start in the Auditorium before spending the rest of the day with the homeroom teachers or group advisors. On Friday, school is according to the timetable, published on Thursday in Wilma.

Enrollment Opportunities for Preschool 1


The English School has a few openings in Preschool 1 for children born in 2019. The next aptitude tests will be organized in Fall 2024.Visit the Admission page for more information on the registration process.

Enrollment Opportunities for Grades 3, 4, 6 & 7


Enrollment Opportunities for Grades 3, 4, 6 & 7 The English School has a few openings for new students in Elementary School and Middle School for Grades 3, 4, 6 and 7 for the upcoming academic year. How to Apply: Registered applicants will receive an invitation for an entrance test (test fee 60,00 €) that

Subject choices for new High School Students


Congratulations and Welcome to The English School all new HS24 students! By the end of June, you must fill in the study unit selection form which can be found from here: You will be assigned to your first-year subject choices and study units according to the choices you make on the form!

Finnish Writing Competition


In the spring of 2024, an English school organised a Finnish writing competition for the first time. In the future, the Finnish writing competition will alternate with the English Spelling Bee. The aim of the competition was to highlight the importance of the Finnish language in bilingual education and to provide an opportunity to participate

The English School at Lapsimessut


The English School participated in the Lapsimessut at Messukeskus. The drama club performed The Jungle Book and the staff of the English school held an information booth where they distributed balloons, stickers and information about our school. Did you meet us?

Multidisciplinary Learning Week at Mäntytie


The theme of our multidisciplinary learning week was “Sports and Physical Activity” . The week was full of activities related to the theme. For example our pupils tried different sports, did research related to sports and athletes, wrote learning journals, visited the sports museum, went bowling and listened to interesting presentations by professional athletes. We

Grade 6 visited Yrityskylä


Grade 6 visited Yrityskylä to get a test of working life for a day. The Yrityskylä Primary School learning environment is a society for schoolchildren, a miniature city where pupils work in their own professions, receiving a salary for their work. In addition, pupils act as responsible consumers and citizens as part of Finnish society. 

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