Grade 6 proudly presents: The Legend of Sleepy Engs


Grade 6 will once again organise the traditional Spooky Trail for Grades 3 to 5, as well as a Junior Spooky Trail for Grades 1 and 2 and Preschool 2. When? The Spooky Trails are part of our Mäntytie Halloween celebrations on Tuesday 31st of October (school day from 8:00 am till 12:10 pm for

Sixth Grade Crushes Sports day!


Last Saturday, September ninth, sixth grade gathered at the Eläintarha Sports Field, to participate in The English School’s annual tradition, Sports Day. The mandatory events to participate in were shot put, long jump, and the 60m sprint.   For the sixth graders, the day started off with a long jump. For some, this was a favourite sports

HS23 Parents’ Evening Slides / Vanhempainillan diat


Thank you to the many who attended last Monday. The evening was a quick introduction to the school, the structure of high school studies and information on hazing. The evening was held in English, so the slides are in Finnish, in keeping with our identity as a bilingual school. Please go to the following link

Lukioon valitut opiskelijat 15.6.2023


Englantilaisen koulun lukioon valitut opiskelijat: Ahonen, Lempi Ada Matilda Bennett, Nicholas Joona Castillo Gómez, Kidist Heinze, Tuuli Adeliina Irene Holmila, Manu Nicolas Hyttinen, Milla Ida Amanda Iso-Anttila, Fiona Shenglai Jiang Iswariah, Tristan Timotei Jäppinen, Enia Olivia Kamela van der Burgh, Maxymilian Marcel Kantonen, Juho Valtteri Keronen, Angelina Zuzu Klaver, Remu Kovachevich, Sofia Elisabeth Kuisti, Ilon

Grade 4: Vivamo Camp School Reflection


The Grade 4 cohort participated in the Vivamo Camp School held in Lohja from 15th May- 17th May.  The itinerary for the trip was exciting with the students exposed to a variety of different learning experiences throughout the week. The students participated in day excursions to Meriturva Maritime and Safety Training Centre, Pähkinänniemi nature path,

Alumnien vuosikokous ja tapaaminen /Alumni Annual Meeting and get-together


The Alumni welcome all former students to Mäntytie 14 on Wednesday, May 10, at 18:00. The evening starts with the Annual Meeting, which will be followed by a get-together and a tour of the school. Alumnit toivottavat tervetulleeksi kaikki entiset oppilaat keskiviikkona 10.5. klo 18:00 Mäntytielle. Ilta alkaa vuosikokouksella ja jatkuu tapaamisella sekä koulukierroksella.

MS & HS Graduation Schedule


Middle School Graduation 3.6.2023 at Mäntytie08:30 – 10:00(max. 3 guests/graduate) High School Graduation Rehearsal at Mäntytie on Friday 2.6.2023 at 12:00(graduates should bring caps) 3.6.2023 at Mäntytie11:00 – 12:30 (group photo at 12:30)(max. 5 guests/graduate)

Student Council for the Spelling Bee Contest


On Friday 3rd March the Elementary School Spelling Bee competition was held. The competition was for all the finalists from Preschool through to 6th Grade.   All spellers put in their best effort and remained in high spirits, despite being posed with some very interesting, new and challenging words. A highlight was the close competition and

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