Registration Fee | 20,00 €

Registration fee of 20,00 € is payable when submitting a registration form. The fee applies to Preschool and Grades 1-9 only.

Entrance Test Fee | 60,00 €

Entrance test fee of 60,00 € applies to Preschool and Grades 1-9.

Administration Fee | 50,00 €

Administration fee of 50,00 € is payable when a new student is enrolled to the school.

Tuition Fee | 673,00 €

Tuition fee is 673,00 € for an academic year – Fall term 336,50 € and Spring term 336,50 € (Perusopetuslaki 31§, Lukiolaki 34§). The fee is the same for all grades from Preschool to High School. The fee includes a daily warm lunch.


Preschool: Tuition fee includes books.
Grades 1-9: Tuition fee includes books.
High School: Students who have finished their compulsory education in spring 2020 or earlier, must purchase their own books according to the school’s book list.

Note! As a private school, The English School does not provide HSL travel cards for the students.

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