100 Days Smarter: A Special Day for 1st Graders


On Friday, January 17th, the 1st graders celebrated 100 days of school. We did lots of activities related to 100. We checked how many words, out of 100, we could read and write in English. We also wrote in English about what we will be like when we are 100, and we wrote in Finnish

High School Open House LINK


Interested ninth graders and parents are welcome to visit our high school on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 17:00-19:30. A virtual Open House will also be held on Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 17:00-18:00. Below please find the link. The address of our high school is: Valimotie 17-19, 2nd floor, 00380 Helsinki (Pitäjänmäki). LINK to

Preschool Open House 18.1.2025


The English School’s Preschool Open House features a presentation by the Preschool teachers and principal, and a tour of the facilities.You will also have the opportunity to speak with staff members about what makes The English School special. More information: Preschool Open House

Admissions for 2025-2026


Admission information for the 2025–2026 school year is available on the level-specific admissions pages: Preschool Grades 1-6 Grades 7-9 High School

YO-ilmoittautumiset pe 22.11. mennessä


Jos olet lukiomme alumni ja haluat osallistua kevään 2025 ylioppilaskokeisiin, laita sähköposti OPO Aija-Maaria Törnroosille osoitteeseen aija-maaria.tornroos@engs.fi ja pyydä ilmoittautumislomaketta. Lomake pitää palauttaa Aija-Maarialle viimeistään perjantaina 22.11.2024. Lukiossa edelleen opiskelevat opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat yo-kokeisiin Wilman kautta. Ohjeet Wilma-viestissä.

Purpose and Balance in Digital Learning


Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) funded project at the English School in collaboration with 3DBear and Qridi At our school, we are dedicated to finding purpose and balance in how we teach digital skills and integrate digital tools into learning. At the moment, a team of teachers is working on the Finnish National Agency for

Preschool Open House 26.10.2024


The English School’s Preschool Open House features a presentation by the Preschool teachers and principal, and a tour of the facilities.You will also have the opportunity to speak with staff members about what makes The English School special. Location: The English School, Mäntytie 14, 00270 Helsinki Doors open 10 minutes before the starting time. REGISTER

The English School’s Sports Day


The English School’s annual tradition, Sports Day, took place on Saturday, 14th September, at Eläintarha Sports Field. The day started with an opening parade where all classes carried their class flags and shouted their team chants. After this, we had relay races for all grades. Then it was time for the track and field events.

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