
The Friends of the English School

The Friends of the English School, or just “Friends”, is a parents’ association for all families of students of an English school – from preschool to high school! We work as a pipeline between parents and school.he Friends of the English School, or just “Friends”, is a parents’ association for all families of students of an English school – from preschool to high school! We work as a pipeline between parents and school.

We warmly invite you to join the Friends community and support your kids’ academic activities

Mitä teemme?

At the heart of our operations is a sense of community, we work in close cooperation with the school, implementing projects that directly bring joy to the students.
With a small annual membership fee, you will help our operations greatly! In addition, all willing parents are warmly welcome to participate in the events we organize – helping hands are always needed. We communicate opportunities and ways to participate in our mailing list to those who have joined our mailing list by email, on this website, on Facebook and through Wilma.

Olemme tukeneet oppilaita ja koulua mm.

  • acquiring new teaching aids desired by teachers
  • supporting the library’s book purchases
  • sponsoring recess equipment
  • supporting the school in IT procurement
  • Organizing Popular Clubs
  • distributing scholarships to students assigned by teachers
  • In addition, through the “Do good” campaign, the families of our school have also been involved in supporting low-income families with children in the nearby area

Kuka voi osallistua?

Kaikki ovat tervetulleita! Niin uudet kuin ”vanhatkin” vanhemmat. Maksamalla vuosittaisen pienen jäsenmaksun autat toimintaamme suuresti. Jos sinulla on ajatuksia miten voisimme kehittää toimintaamme, laitathan viestiä

Kaikki jäsenmaksuilla ja lahjoituksilla kerätyt varat käytetään suoraan opiskelijoiden ja koulun tarpeisiin. Ystävien hallitus toimii vapaaehtoispohjalta.

Liity mukaan Ystäväksi

Get in touch with the board:
Enquiries about the afternoon and morning clubs:

Apply now!